Our community of five friends who live together in the parsonage of Saint Sebastian has founded the association “Handeln aus der Stille” yesterday, the eve of the March equinox 2021.
Together we passed the statutes. The purpose of the association is now formulated in the Vision this website. When we finally officially founded the association, we toasted with a glass of champagne. We are all represented on the board. Jürgen Lembke is chair, Marge Oppliger is in charge of the treasury and Julianne Funk is the actuary.
A glimpse behind the scenes
The parsonage of Saint Sebastian in Wettingen hosts since August 2020 five individuals. Their aim is to live together in community, meditate and beeing nourished by the strength of silence and strive to be fully present.
We are all working in various sectors, as caregiver in an institution, as Kindergarden teacher / art therapist, freelancing editor and peace research practitioner, project manager or as a pastor in the parsonage.
We share in daily life a culture of silence, from which we gather vigor to face an active life. Within the Zendo we practice Zazen and contemplation. Since we originate from various spiritual traditions we encounter each other often playfully with the diverse forms and enter into dialogue. Thus we deepen our understanding for the ever present diversity.
The published events for the public are each in the setting of on of the traditions as described. The two existing contemplation groups of Via Integralis are currently not taking place due to Corona.
On monday evenings the Portugese meditation of the Zurich Zen Center is held. Gathering people from Switzerland, Brasil and other countries. The evenings are facilitated live on Zoom.
The Zen courses and evenings in the setting of the Glassman-Lassalle Lineage complete the rich ‘menue’ of our Zendo. The smal group who meets on wednesday evenings for Zazen is meeting also during the current Corona related restrictions with due diligence.